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Building a Community

The Challenge

ConsenSys is a rapidly growing incubator for businesses that have a shared goal of increasing the adoption of blockchain technology. ConsenSys Labs is one of the core pillars within ConsenSys. They are a venture production studio that vets blockchain start-ups, creates the incubation process, and provides ongoing support to the community. Their mission is to empower innovative thinkers around the world. Similarly to other pillars within ConsenSys, ConsenSys Labs feels strongly that they need their own identity, separate from ConsenSys.


Our challenge is two-fold, first we must create a brand architecture for for ConsenSys to aid users in navigating across its' services and second we must honor the unique value that ConsenSys Labs brings to the table with a brand identity that reflect’s its’ value proposition.  


Brand Architecture

Brand Strategy


Brand Positioning


Brand Identity


Web Design

The Process

We listened, synthesized, researched, surveyed and developed a brand strategy and positioning for ConsenSys Labs. There are a few points that stuck out to us that made them unique within the venture production studio space. First, they are committed to building a community of INTEGRATED start-ups that BUILD COLLABORATIVELY to accelerate each others innovations. Second, when they commit to a start-up, they provide continuous support throughout the ENTIRE TRANSFORMATIVE GROWTH PROCESS, not just 3 months like typical venture production studios. 

The Results of the ConsenSys Labs Branding

The identity system is directly inspired by Labs' unique value within the venture production studio space. The morphing shapes represent the projects and people transforming within the decentralized community that Labs is building. Labs is the beating heart within a "mesh” of ever-evolving, integrated, cross-pollinating start-ups that have unlimited possibilities and are stronger together. 

The Results of the Brand Architecture

Building a brand architecture off of business strategy works! The core principles of the business — autonomy, decentralization, holocracy and self-organization — are made possible with a flexible brand architecture. Individuals rejoice! 

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